Contractor's Particulars
Authorized Managing Officer: Roy Vera Cruz Verdida
Type: Sole Proprietorship
Head Office/Location (Region): REGION 7 (Central Visayas)
License Particulars
License First Issue Date: October 29, 2020
License Number: 48671
Validity Period of this License/Renewal: July 1, 2023 to October 29, 2024
Principal Classification: General Engineering
Category: C
Other Classifications: General Building
Registration for Government Projects Particulars
Registration date: July 22, 2021
Registration Number: 2021-0789
Validity Period of this Registration: July 22, 2021 to July 22, 2024
Kinds of Project and Respective Size Ranges:
Road, Highway, Pavement, Railways, Airport Horizontal Structures and BridgesSmall B
Water SupplySmall B
Dam, Reservoir & TunnelingSmall B
Port, Harbor and Offshore EngineeringSmall B
Park, Playground and Recreational WorkSmall B
Irrigation and Flood ControlSmall B
Building and Industrial PlantSmall B
Sewerage and Sewage Treatment/Disposal PlantSmall B
Water Treatment Plant and SystemSmall B